Source code for esmtools.composite

import warnings

import xarray as xr

from .checks import is_xarray
from .stats import standardize
from .testing import ttest_ind_from_stats

def _create_composites(anomaly_field, index, threshold=1, dim="time"):
    """Creates composite from some variable's anomaly field and a climate
    index_comp = xr.full_like(index, "none", dtype="U4")
    index_comp[index >= threshold] = "pos"
    index_comp[index <= -threshold] = "neg"
    composite = anomaly_field.groupby(index_comp.rename("index"))
    return composite

[docs]@is_xarray([0, 1]) def composite_analysis( field, index, threshold=1, plot=False, ttest=False, psig=0.05, **plot_kwargs ): """Create composite maps based on some variable's response to a climate index. .. note:: Make sure that the field and index are detrended prior to using this function if needed. Args: field (xr.object): Variable to create composites for. Contains dims `time` and 2 spatial. index (xr.object): Climate index time series. threshold (float): Threshold value for standardized composite. Defaults to 1. plot (bool): Quick plot and no returns. Defaults to False. ttest (bool): Apply `ttest` whether pos/neg different from mean. Defaults to False. psig (float): Significance level for ttest. Defaults to 0.05. **plot_kwargs (type): kwargs to pass to xarray's plot function. Returns: composite (xr.object): Positive and negative composite if `not plot`. References: * Motivated from Ryan Abernathy's notebook here: """ def compute_ttest_for_composite(composite, index, psig): """ Computes the ttest for the composite relative to neutral years and returns a masked map based on some alpha level. Args: composite: The grouped composite object index: 'pos' or 'neg' psig: Significance level for ttest """ # Suppress NaN of empty slice warning. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) m1 = composite.mean("time").sel(index=index) s1 = composite.std("time").sel(index=index) n1 = len(composite.groups[index]) m2 = composite.mean("time").sel(index="none") s2 = composite.std("time").sel(index="none") n2 = len(composite.groups["none"]) t, p = ttest_ind_from_stats(m1, s1, n1, m2, s2, n2) return composite.mean("time").sel(index=index).where(p < psig) # Raise error if time slices are different. if field.time.size != index.time.size: raise ValueError( f"""Time periods for field and index do not match. field: {field.time.size} index: {index.time.size}""" ) index = standardize(index) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) field = field - field.mean("time") composite = _create_composites(field, index, threshold=threshold) if ttest: # test if pos different from none comp_pos = compute_ttest_for_composite(composite, "pos", psig) # test if neg different from none comp_neg = compute_ttest_for_composite(composite, "neg", psig) composite = xr.concat([comp_pos, comp_neg], dim="index") else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) composite = composite.mean("time").sel(index=["pos", "neg"]) composite["index"] = ["positive", "negative"] if plot: composite.plot(col="index", **plot_kwargs) else: return composite