Source code for esmtools.grid

from .checks import is_xarray

def _convert_lon_to_180to180(ds, coord='lon'):
    """Convert from 0 to 360 (degrees E) grid to -180 to 180 (W-E) grid.

    .. note::
        Longitudes are not sorted after conversion (i.e., spanning -180 to 180 or
        0 to 360 from index 0, ..., N), as it is expected that the user will plot
        via ``cartopy``, ``basemap``, or ``xarray`` plot functions.

        ds (xarray object): Dataset to be converted.
        coord (optional str): Name of longitude coordinate.

        xarray object: Dataset with converted longitude grid.
    ds = ds.copy()
    lon = ds[coord].values
    # Convert everything over 180 back to the negative (degrees W) values.
    lon[lon > 180] = lon[lon > 180] - 360
    # Need to account for clarifying dimensions if the grid is 2D.
    ds.coords[coord] = (ds[coord].dims, lon)
    return ds

def _convert_lon_to_0to360(ds, coord='lon'):
    """Convert from -180 to 180 (W-E) to 0 to 360 (degrees E) grid.

    .. note::
        Longitudes are not sorted after conversion (i.e., spanning -180 to 180 or
        0 to 360 from index 0, ..., N), as it is expected that the user will plot
        via ``cartopy``, ``basemap``, or ``xarray`` plot functions.

        ds (xarray object): Dataset to be converted.
        coord (optional str): Name of longitude coordinate.

        xarray object: Dataset with converted longitude grid.
    ds = ds.copy()
    lon = ds[coord].values
    # Convert -180 to 0 into scale reaching 360.
    lon[lon < 0] = lon[lon < 0] + 360
    # Need to account for clarifying dimensions if the grid is 2D.
    ds.coords[coord] = (ds[coord].dims, lon)
    return ds

# NOTE: Check weird POP grid that goes up to 240 or something. How do we deal with
# that?
[docs]@is_xarray(0) def convert_lon(ds, coord='lon'): """Converts longitude grid from -180to180 to 0to360 and vice versa. .. note:: Longitudes are not sorted after conversion (i.e., spanning -180 to 180 or 0 to 360 from index 0, ..., N) if it is 2D., Args: ds (xarray object): Dataset to be converted. coord (optional str): Name of longitude coordinate. Returns: xarray object: Dataset with converted longitude grid. Raises: ValueError: If ``coord`` does not exist in the dataset. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import xarray as xr >>> from esmtools.grid import convert_lon >>> lat = np.linspace(-89.5, 89.5, 180) >>> lon = np.linspace(0.5, 359.5, 360) >>> empty = xr.DataArray(np.empty((180, 360)), dims=['lat', 'lon']) >>> data = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(-180, 180, 360), dims=['lon'],) >>> data, _ = xr.broadcast(data, empty) >>> data = data.T >>> data['lon'] = lon >>> data['lat'] = lat >>> converted = convert_lon(data, coord='lon') """ if coord not in ds.coords: raise ValueError(f'{coord} not found in coordinates.') if ds[coord].min() < 0: ds = _convert_lon_to_0to360(ds, coord=coord) else: ds = _convert_lon_to_180to180(ds, coord=coord) # If 1-D, need to sort by lon (rearrange it) to allow it to be plotted with # xarray. if len(ds[coord].dims) == 1: ds = ds.sortby(coord) return ds