Changelog History

esmtools v1.1.2 (2020-07-09)

Internals/Minor Fixes

  • Fix flake8 F401 error by using TimeUtilAccessor directly in first instance in code. (GH#86) Riley X. Brady.
  • Add conda badge and conda installation instructions. (GH#87) Riley X. Brady.
  • Migrate corr and autocorr from climpred to esmtools with some light edits to the code. (GH#88) Riley X. Brady.


  • climpred removed as a dependency for esmtools. (GH#88) Riley X. Brady.
  • autocorr deprecated, since it can be run via corr(x, x). ACF renamed to autocorr, which reflects pandas-style naming. (GH#88) Riley X. Brady.

esmtools v1.1.1 (2020-07-08)


Bug Fixes

Internals/Minor Fixes

  • Adds isort and nbstripout to CI for development. Blacken and isort code. (GH#73) Riley X. Brady


  • Add more robust API docs page, information on how to contribute, CHANGELOG, etc. to sphinx. (GH#67) Riley X. Brady.


  • Removes mpas and vis modules. The former is better for a project-dependent package. The latter essentially poorly replicates some of proplot functionality. (GH#69) Riley X. Brady.
  • Removes stats.smooth_series, since there is an easy xarray function for it. (GH#70) Riley X. Brady.
  • Changes stats.linear_regression to stats.linregress. (GH#70) Riley X. Brady.
  • Changes stats.compute_slope to stats.linear_slope. (GH#70) Riley X. Brady.
  • Removes stats.area_weight and stats.cos_weight since they are available through xarray. (GH#83) Riley X. Brady.

esmtools v1.1 (2019-09-04)


  • co2_sol and schmidt now can be computed on grids and do not do time-averaging (GH#45) Riley X. Brady.
  • temp_decomp_takahashi now returns a dataset with thermal/non-thermal components (GH#45) Riley X. Brady.
  • temporal module that includes a to_annual() function for weighted temporal resampling (GH#50) Riley X. Brady.
  • filtering module renamed to spatial and find_indices made public. (GH#52) Riley X. Brady.
  • standardize function moved to stats. (GH#52) Riley X. Brady.
  • loadutils removed (GH#52) Riley X. Brady.
  • calculate_compatible_emissions following Jones et al. 2013 (GH#54) Aaron Spring
  • Update corr to broadcast x and y such that a single time series can be correlated across a grid. (GH#58) Riley X. Brady.
  • convert_lon_to_180to180 and convert_lon_to_0to360 now wrapped with convert_lon and now supports 2D lat/lon grids. convert_lon() is also available as an accessor. (GH#60) Riley X. Brady.

Internals/Minor Fixes

  • Changed name back to esmtools now that the readthedocs domain was cleared up. Thanks Andrew Walter! (GH#61) Riley X. Brady.
  • esmtools documentation created with docstring updates for all functions.

esm_analysis v1.0.2 (2019-07-27)

Internals/Minor Fixes

  • Changed name from esmtools to esm_analysis since the former was registered on readthedocs.

esmtools v1.0.1 (2019-07-25)

Internals/Minor Fixes

  • Add versioning and clean up setup file.
  • Add travis continuous integration and coveralls for testing.

esmtools v1.0.0 (2019-07-25)

Formally releases esmtools on pip for easy installing by other packages.