Source code for esmtools.conversions

from .checks import is_xarray

[docs]@is_xarray(0) def convert_mpas_fgco2(mpas_fgco2): """Convert native MPAS CO2 flux (mmol m-3 m s-1) to (molC m-2 yr-1) Args: mpas_fgco2 (xarray object): Dataset or DataArray containing native MPAS-O CO2 flux output. Returns: conv_fgco2 (xarray object): MPAS-O CO2 flux in mol/m2/yr. """ # The -1 term ensures that negative is uptake of CO2 by the ocean. # MPAS defaults to gregorian noleap calendar (thus, 365). conv_fgco2 = mpas_fgco2 * -1 * (60 * 60 * 24 * 365) * (1 / 10 ** 3) return conv_fgco2